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Chiropractic Care

Dr kitty adjusting patientYou have the natural ability to be healthy. Your brain’s job is to control every function of your body. If the spine is not functioning correctly, it can interfere with the brain’s perfect control of your body, leading to pain and limitation.

Chiropractic care focuses on improving the functioning of the nervous system, so your brain and body can communicate better. When the nervous system is stressed, it can no longer send messages at full strength between your brain and the cells, organs, and systems it controls. As a result, you might have pain, symptoms, or dysfunction anywhere in your body, negatively impacting your lifestyle.

Our approach to comprehensive wellness sets practice members up to feel and function even better, without medications or surgery.

Precise Care for Long-Term Results

At Byron St Chiropractic, we provide gentle and deliberate adjustments to guide your spine and joints back to where they’re supposed to be, inch by inch. If you’ve been living with chronic dysfunction, your body won’t want to move back into proper positioning easily. Our objective is to slowly create a lasting change at a rate your body can receive it, helping you hold your adjustments longer and enjoy better health far into the future.

Our Personalised Approach

Dr Kitty (Chiropractor) tells you exactly what she’s going to do before starting care, so there won’t be any surprise adjustments. She nudges joints into alignment with no giant karate chops involved, providing a comfortable experience that puts practice members at ease.

While we rely primarily on manual adjustments, we draw from various tools to arrive at the right combination of techniques for your specific body. Dr Kitty is always pursuing continued improvement and a new challenge. Over her 16 years of experience, she has developed a unique approach that blends kinesiology, low-force adjustments, muscle testing, and emotional work.

Schedule Today

We make better healthcare accessible for everyone. Book your first visit now.

Chiropractic Care | 0475 298 850