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Meet Dr Kitty Satiu (Chiropractor)

Discovering Clear, Reliable Healthcare

Dr Kitty photoDr Kitty Satiu believes that a correctly functioning nervous system is the pinnacle of optimal health. Wellness is a conscious choice, not an accident. Her mission is to guide as many people as possible in choosing better natural health.

Born in Wellington, New Zealand to Samoan immigrants, Dr Kitty went to the chiropractor just once as a child—but that was enough to change her life. The chiropractor’s simple explanation of health made sense to her, and after only one adjustment, she instantly felt different.

Having experienced impactful, easy-to-understand healthcare, Dr Kitty wanted to make the healing process equally accessible for others. Since graduating with her Master of Chiropractic from Macquarie University Sydney in 2006, she’s been on a mission to transform people’s perception of health and create a community where practice members encourage one another to thrive.

A Passion for Total Life Transformation

Time flies when you’re changing people’s lives. Over her years in practice, Dr Kitty has seen almost every condition imaginable. While watching people get out of pain and regain function is always exciting, her job is to increase people’s awareness of the possibilities in their own lives.

Experiencing positive health changes often inspires practice members to think about other aspects of their lifestyle in need of renewal. Many people’s lives totally change as they start training for triathlons, pursuing more enjoyable work, and surrounding themselves with positive influences. Change has to start somewhere, and we’re honoured to be part of that process.

On a Personal Note

After running a private practice in Cleveland and West End Brisbane, Dr Kitty and her wife moved to Terania Creek to grow their own food. She has two young children, who are her truest joy. When she’s not chasing after her kids, Dr Kitty can be found banging around on her drum kit or dreaming of her vegetable garden.

Reach Out to Our Team Today

Better healthcare starts today. Contact us to book now.

Dr Kitty Satiu | 0475 298 850